📰 Is your coach your friend?

... and don't fall for the Baseball Bat choke

Welcome back to Tap Nap & Snap - the newsletter that’s officially renamed it’s knees from ‘left’ and ‘right’ … to ‘good’ and ‘bad’. But can’t remember which is which? 🦵🤷‍♂️

Here’s what we’ve got today:

  • Is your coach your friend? Or just friendly? 😎 

  • Don’t fall for the Baseball Bat choke ⚾️

  • Gordon Ryan’s weak and embarrassed 😔


What Keeps You Up At 2 am?

Coach. Professor. Yoda. 

Whatever you call them, this is a person that you will probably spend more time with than many of your friends and family … combined 🤯 

And in spending so much time together while learning so many things from this wise and knowledgeable being - maybe you simply can’t help but respect them and even begin to think of them as a … friend? 

But are they? 🤔 

With all that mat time and sharing of common goals - it’s no surprise that many coaches end up as great friends with their students, often grabbing a coffee, talking smack and hanging out after class ☕️

However, there are certainly coaches out there who look to keep it strictly professional - i.e. they’re happy to help you with your problems as a paying customer, but that’s where the relationship stops … kinda like a therapist that strangles you 🤷‍♂️

So, maybe you’re a coach … maybe you’re a student - but where do you think the coach/student line should sit? 👇

This week’s big question ⬇️

Should BJJ Coaches & Students Be Friends?

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The last poll’s results:

Last time we asked you - “What's Your Favourite Section In This Newsletter?...”

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 📰 Taps, Naps & Snaps: The News Stories And Articles

🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🖼 Memes

🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️ 👀 Technique: What To Do / What Not To Do

Gotcha! - news, memes and techniques are the order of the day 🍽.

We are always tweaking, refining and micro-adjusting our style to get that little bit better each week - so hit us back anytime and let us know what you’re into! 📧 

Another One For Your Inbox 📥

We aren’t the only great newsletter on the block - there are plenty of other great reads to keep you entertained and/or successfully avoiding that work deadline 😬 

Check ‘em out 👇 - you never know, you might love them! And if you don’t, you know - unsubscribe! 🤷‍♂️


The Weekly Fix

Hope your shoulders are feeling loose after last edition’s Weekly Fix 😎 - this time, we go after the best bang for your buck stretch in the entire game 🔥 

Also, it might be tough, but try not to get distracted by just how majestic Joey’s mullet is in this week’s clip ⚡️

Let’s have a look at this week’s fix 🔧👇

The #1 Best Stretch For BJJ

Whether you are new to BJJ or a seasoned colour belt we all suffer from tight hip flexors 😬.

If you have ever had a really intense training session that focused on guard or guard retention you will know the feeling … knees to the chest, lower back rounded and abs working overtime .

This can also show up the next day as a really sore lower back!

The reason is - your Hip Flexor muscles are anchored to your lumbar spine. So what can we do? 🤔 

Step 1.) - We need to balance out all that Hip Flexion (Shortening or Closing) with some Extension ( Lengthening or Opening).

The Kneeling wall stretch that we use as part of the Bulletproof for BJJ program is a super effective movement you can practice on the daily to help restore that balance 🧘.

Step 2.) Build strength in both sides of the Hip Front and Back.

Just stretching out tight muscles isn't a good long-term solution by itself, it needs to be paired with a consistent amount of complimentary strength training… but that we will save for another time.

Boom! 💥 If you liked this week’s fix and are thinking you could really benefit from a world-class BJJ-specific strength and flexibility program then you should probably …

Sign up for your 7-day free trial and take the app for a spin! 👇


This Weeks Tap’s , Nap’s 🥱 & Snap’s

We hear you. Time is money 💰 - you want your BJJ news but you’ve got sh*t to do 📝those training partners won’t tap themselves.

Let’s get it 👇

1.) NEVER TOO OLD: If you ever feel like that maybe you’re getting a bit old for these games and you might be ready to untie that belt one last time and hang it up 🥱 - you might want to check out Dr. Myles first.

Dr. Myles is a spritely 81-year-old and just landed his well-earned black belt after 25 years of grinding it out 🤯. Do you reckon his knees hurt? Yep. Did he find a way to get there? Sure did 💪 

Seems to be a legend of a guy - and he gives a great speech too → more here.

2.) KADE VS MIKEY: As two of the most exciting, innovative and spirited grapplers in the game - this matchup is a certified banger💥. Scheduled for ONE 168 in September, Mikey will be soaking in all the pizza 🍕 he can get his hands on to move up 3 weight classes 🤯 and meet Kade for the lightweight title 🏆

Kade’s unlikely to be thinking too much about Mikey at this point though as he’s currently shaping up for his MMA debut against Blake Cooper at ONE 167 (kids and their damn energy huh!? 🔋)

So, we know Mikey can Aoki lock an Aoki, but can he Ruotolo-tine a Ruotolo? Or is Kade going to cruise pasta 🍝 him for the win? (#punstreak!) → more here.

3.) WEST IS BEST: Standing as the second-last batch of ADCC tickets on offer for 2024, the West Coast Trials was some high-stakes stuff - and it showed 🔥.

The North American athletes 🇺🇸 put it all on the line to get their chance at this year's, ‘Grappling Olympics’, resulting in some red-hot matches and another 8 of the world’s best grapplers going through - including Deandre Corbe, Andrew Tackett, William Tackett, Jasmine Rocha and Helena Crevar to name a few.

FloGrappling put together an epic highlight reel of it all too 🎥more here.

The Quick Hitters


The Good Option: 

When training in the Gi, it can be easy to forget that you’ve basically got a rope around your neck 📿 - and if your opponent gets a good hold of it, could be a one-way ticket to nap town 😴

One of the ways to visit nap-town is via the formidable Baseball Bat choke ⚾️ - which worse yet, can easily be set up from bottom side control, leaving you humiliated and confused just before it all fades to black 😔🎆

Thankfully, when you understand the mechanics of this one - you’ll see an easy way to unwind it … and maybe even snap on an armbar of your own 😏💪 

Grab a cuppa ☕️ and notepad 📝 👇

The Not-So-Good Option:

If you’re reading this, you’d probably agree that on many levels - getting into BJJ and martial arts can be truly life-changing 😃 

And at the same time - it can be truuuly life-changing 😔 

The key is to make sure you’re on the right side of this change - so if your gym is represented here👇 😬 - well… get out.


The Meme Open Mat:

Annnnd Stiiiiilll … actually training!?👇 Well, I’ll be damned 🤯

“This might be the most incredible thing I’ve seen Joe”…

Homeownership won’t win the local comp…

Just like coach showed it!…

You like memes huh!? 😎 (of course you do).

Well, we have bucketloads 🪣  of premium, high-grade OG memes for you to share with your BJJ crew, or simply peruse at your scrolling leisure👇


Can’t Misspell Commyounity without YOU 🫵

Hey! - somewhere, out there, in your friend’s circle is someone that doesn’t realise that they’d probably love to receive the best BJJ newsletter goin’ round! 😃 

But they just haven’t seen it yet! 👀 

Maybe you can help them (and us 😏) by sharing this edition and letting them know about it??

Just click the button below to help us spread the good news - we will even give you heaps of cool sh*t to say thanks ⬇️

…with more to come!

How'd We Go?

Are we on the money? Or are we lacking some pizzazz? The rule is though - if you think we missed the mark, you've gotta write in and let us know why. It's only fair!

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Still scrolling huh!? Maybe it’s time you start your own newsletter? 🧐 📰 


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